Prescription Policy

New Prescriptions

New prescriptions require an evaluation by one of our providers in our office. This is to ensure the safe and quality care that is the foundation of our practice. Common acute conditions that require assessment for prescriptions include ear infections, strep throat, conjunctivitis, respiratory infections, and skin rashes. Our providers will work with you to discuss treatment options and determine the best use of antibiotics and other prescription medications. Please be sure to inform us of any known medication allergies, especially if they are new since your last visit. We also electronically prescribe nearly all medications in order to optimize time and accuracy of all prescriptions.

Prescription Refills

Prescription refills are often required to treat chronic conditions such as asthma, allergies, eczema and ADHD. It is always best to refill medications during office visits when possible. Please bring a list of medications you need refilled and present it to the staff at the beginning of your visit, and have the name and phone number of your pharmacy on hand.

If our office receives a phone or fax request for a prescription refill from a pharmacy, a nurse may contact the parent or guardian of the patient (or patient if 18 years or older) to confirm the need for the refill, ask if there are any questions or concerns about the health condition, and discuss whether a follow-up visit is required.

Controlled medication prescriptions for conditions such as ADHD must follow federal regulations requiring that the prescription is written (no phone prescriptions are allowed) and limited to a one-month supply per prescription.

Mail-Order Prescriptions

Mail-order prescriptions are an option that many insurance companies offer and which can save you money on medications requiring multiple refills. The easiest way for us to help you process these requests is for you to bring the mail-order prescription form to the office with your information completed so that we can fax it directly to the mail-order pharmacy.

Please call our team today at (203) 288-4288 to schedule a wellness visit for your child or to ask any questions.