Billing & Insurance

Please verify provider participation on your insurance company website using your specific plan. Although we are participating providers in most commercial plans, details of your specific plan may limit your network of providers, and may have tiered reimbursement which results in higher copayments and some services not covered. Please review each time your insurance plan renews.

Insurances We Accept

Aetna (most plans, verify participation on Aetna website)
Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield of CT

including Exchange individual plans purchased through Access Health; we do not participate in Passage Plans

First HealthFirst Health Network
Husky Health ConnecticutHusky Health
Harvard Pilgrim HealthCareHarvard Pilgrim Health Care
Oxford Health PlansOxford Health Plans
United Health CareUnited Healthcare

*This list was last updated 06/01/2019. Please call our office for the most updated list.

Please call our team today at (203) 288-4288 to schedule a wellness visit for your child or to ask any questions.